Telling Tales: some of my favorite stories.

#1 Johnny, I'm On the First Step ~ A jump story I learned from my mother.
#2 Jack Frost ~ Adapted from a Russian Folktale
#3 The Bigga da Redda da Rosa ~ the saddest tale my mother told
#4 Poccamandas ~ Adapted through American Folk Process
#5 Story-Games Thread & The Giant Vegetable ~ A formula Story/game
#6 Jump off the bridge! ~ A formula Story/game
#7 Chris Mouse and Other Tales ~ in the style of the French Canadian Irritating Tales. Includes: Chris Mouse Tree, Dark & Stormy, A Long Long Story, I Don’t Know, The Shortest Story
#8 Master of Masters ~ With notes for tellers.
#8a Four Silly Tales ~ adapted from English Folktales. Includes: The Old Woman and the Pig, Teeny Tiny, Master of Masters, Me
#9 The Ghost and the Apple Sauce  ~  About The Ghost and the Applesauce
#10 Three Hairs ~ adapted from a Haitian Folktale
#11 Aqua, My Friend ~ An original cautionary tale
#12 The Magical Blue Feather ~ the saddest tale told by Papa Joe
#13 New Pots from Old ~ a recycling tale
#14 Keen Witted Orphan ~ adapted from an Estonian Folktale
#15 Robin Hood in Gotham ~ adapted from an English Folktale
#16 Brave Little Samantha ~ An interactive journey via story, + lots of notes on the telling and history
#17 Ashiesputtle and the Prince Who Wouldn't Shut Up ~ adapted from an Scandinavian Folktale
#18 Saint Patrick and the Leprechauns ~ a riddle story
#19 Unanana and the  Elephant ~ adapted from an African Folktale
For A Wish ~ adapted from a Swedish folktale.
#21 Too Much Christmas Pudding ~ a folk style story
#22 The Ant and the Grasshopper ~ adapted from the fable, with special thanks to Tom McCabe.
#23 Hide and Go Seek ~ adapted from a Congo folktale
#24 The Chocolate Man, dedicated to Hope
#25 Wiggle & Waggle: A workshop activity
#26 The Golden Goose adapted in folk process from the Grimm version

Biographical Stories: my autobiography, Story by Story. It is a work in process as I hope to continue to enjoy many more years of traveling and telling. I hope you enjoy it. :)

#1 The Value of Story
#2 A Name
#3 Turtle Story
#4 A Name, Part 2
#5 When You Think Your Number Is Up
#6 That Skeleton Was Scary
#7 A Storyteller's Wedding

Travel Notes: my 'on the road journal' with Idle Madness (my old laptop) and Vardo 2 (micro mini RV) during 1996 through 1998: includes some of the stories I found, descriptions of places I visited, notes on things I did, and thoughts on people I met.

Articles & Miscellaneous: the occasional inspirations that manage to find their way into print. <<smiles>>

#1 A Working Storyteller
#2 Preparing a Story
#3 How to tell at a Birthday Party
#4 What Storytelling Means to Me
#5  Idle Madness - A poem inspired by my aging family.
#6 A Shaman Questionnaire
#7 In The Walnut Forest - This is not a folktale. It is a folkstyle fairytale written for a specific purpose. See Notes on WF

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