Papa Joe ~ Telling Tales

Three Hairs - adapted from a Haitian Folktale

dedicated to UN50


Cric? Crac!

Once upon a time in Haiti">


Papa Joe ~ Telling Tales

Three Hairs - adapted from a Haitian Folktale

dedicated to UN50


Cric? Crac!

Once upon a time in Haiti,
there lived a little boy
and his name was Julien.

Julien lived with a wicked mean person. The wicked mean person was very lazy and always made Julien do all the work.

"Julien, get the firewood.

"Julien, make breakfast.

"Julien, do the dishes.

"Julien, sweep the floor.

"Julien, Julien, Julien."

Sounds like Cinderella doesn't it?


One day the wicked mean person got a wicked mean idea.

"Julien. Take this bag to the big hairy devil's house and get me three hair's from his chinny chin chin."

Julien didn't know where the big hairy devil lived or how he could get three hairs from his chinny chin chin, but Julien always did what he was told, so:

Off he walked.
Off he whistled.

Till he came to the house of the King of Spain. The king was walking in the garden with his daughter. She was limping very badly.

Julien said what many Haitians say when they want to be polite, "Honor."

The king said what many Haitians say when they want to be polite, "Respect.

"Julien, what are you doing so far from home?"

Julien answered, "I'm on my way to the big hairy devil's house to get three hairs from his chinny chin chin."

The king's eyes were wide. "Oh oh! If the big hairy devil catches you, he'll eat you for breakfast."

Julien said, "Oh well. I have to go."

The king said, "If you do see the big hairy devil, and he doesn't eat you for breakfast, would you ask him a question for me? "My daughter has had a sore on her foot for three years. What can I do to heal her?"

Julien answered, "I'll try."

Off he walked.
Off he whistled.

Till he came to the house of Prince John. The prince was sitting by his well with an empty glass in his hand.

Julien said, "Honor."

Prince John said, "Respect.

"Julien, what are you doing so far from home?"

Julien answered, "I'm on my way to the big hairy devil's house to get three hairs from his chinny chin chin."

Prince John's eyes were wide. "Oh oh! If the big hairy devil catches you, he'll eat you for lunch."

Julien said, "Oh well. I have to go."

Prince John said, "If you do see the big hairy devil, and he doesn't eat you for lunch, would you ask him a question for me? My well has been dry for three years. What can I do to get water?"

Julien answered, "I'll try."

Off he walked.
Off he whistled.

Till he came to a soldier guarding the road. He was walking...

Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Day and Night.
Night and Day.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.

When the soldier saw Julien, he called, "Halt! Where are you going?"

Julien answered, "Honor. I'm on my way to the big hairy devil's house to get three hairs from his chinny chin chin."

The Soldier's eyes were wide. "Oh oh! If the big hairy devil catches you, he'll eat you for supper."

Julien said, "Oh well. I have to go."

The soldier said, "If you do see the big hairy devil, and he doesn't eat you for supper, would you ask him a question for me? I've been walking...

Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Day and Night.
Night and Day.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.

for three years and no one has come to take my place. I'm getting tired. How do I find my replacement?"

Julien answered, "I'll try."

Off he walked.
Off he whistled.

Till he came to a big hairy house. It looked like it might belong to the big hairy devil so he knocked at the door.

Tap Tap Tap

The door was opened by the big hairy devil's wife.

"Oh oh! You'd better get out of here. If the big hairy devil sees you, he'll eat you for desert."

Julien said, "Honor."

She said, "Respect. What a polite little boy. Why are you here?"

Julien answered, "I came to get three hairs from the big hairy devil's chinny chin chin.

"And to ask how the King of Spain can heal his daughter.

"And to ask how Prince John can get the water back in his well.

"And to ask how the soldier can find his replacement."

The wife said, "Oh oh! Hide under the bed and listen tonight. I'll see if I can help you."

Julien slipped under the bed and just in time, for in three snaps of your fingers, the big hairy devil stomped into the house.

"I Smell Fresh Meat!"

His wife said, "Of course, deary. It's your supper and it's waiting on the table."

In three snaps of your fingers, the big hairy devil ate his supper.

In three snaps of your fingers, the big hairy devil climbed into bed.

In three snaps of your fingers, the big hairy devil fell asleep.

In three snaps of your fingers, the big hairy devil started to snore.

Zzzzzzzz Weeeeeeeb
Zzzzzzzz Weeeeeeeb
Zzzzzzzz Weeeeeeeb

His wife climbed into bed, reached out to the big hairy devil's chinny chin chin, and twisted a hair around her finger.

She pulled. She pulled. Till she pulled it out.

The Devil woke up. "Who the Heck is Pulling my Beard?"

His wife pretended to wake up. "I'm sorry, deary. It must have been me. I dreamed a dream."

"What the Heck Kind of Dream You Dreaming? Pulling on my Beard."

"I dreamed I saw the King of Spain and his daughter was lamed for three years cause he didn't know how to heal her."

"King's are Fools! All he has to do is take the sulfur rock in his yard, grind it up, and put it on her sore. She'll walk just fine."

His wife patted his back. "That's nice, deary. Now back to sleep."

In three snaps of your fingers, the big hairy devil was snoring again.

Zzzzzzzz Weeeeeeeb
Zzzzzzzz Weeeeeeeb
Zzzzzzzz Weeeeeeeb

His wife reached out to the big hairy devil's chinny chin chin and twisted a hair around her finger.

She pulled. She pulled. Till she pulled it out.

The Devil woke up. "Who the Heck is Pulling my Beard?"

His wife pretended to wake up again. "I'm sorry, deary. It must have been me. I dreamed another dream."

"What the Heck Kind of Dream You Dreaming? Pulling on my Beard."

"I dreamed I saw Prince John and his well was dry for three years cause he didn't know how to fix it."

"Another Fool! All he has to do is take out the Guava Fruit clogging the well. He'll have water enough."

His wife patted his back. "That's nice, deary. Now back to sleep."

In three snaps of your fingers, the big hairy devil was snoring.

Zzzzzzzz Weeeeeeeb
Zzzzzzzz Weeeeeeeb
Zzzzzzzz Weeeeeeeb

His wife reached out to the big hairy devil's chinny chin chin, twisted a hair around her finger.

She pulled. She pulled. Till she pulled it out.

The Devil woke up. "Who the Heck is Pulling my Beard?"

His wife pretended to wake up again. "I'm sorry, deary. It must have been me. I dreamed a dream."

"What the Heck Kind of Dream You Dreaming? Pulling on my Beard."

"I dreamed I saw a soldier, guarding the road, walking...

Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Day and Night.
Night and Day.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.

for three years and he didn't know how to find his replacement."

"The Biggest Fool! All he has to do is Next Time Someone comes by, ask Them to Hold His Gun while he goes to buy some Gum. Then He'll be Free."

His wife patted his back. "That's nice deary. Now back to sleep."

The devil cried, "Just leave off Dreaming Dreams."

And she did.

The next morning, the devil went off to work. Julien crawled out from under the bed. The devil's wife gave him the three hairs.

"Did you hear the answers to your questions?"

Julien said, "Yes, thank you. I won't forget them."

Off he walked.
Off he whistled.

Till he came to the soldier, guarding the road, walking...

Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Day and Night.
Night and Day.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.

"Julien. I see the big hairy devil didn't eat you for supper, but did you find the answer to my question?"

Julien smiled. "The big hairy devil said to ask the next person who comes by to hold your gun while you go get a pack of gum. Then you'll be free."

The soldier was very pleased. "Thank you so much, Julien. Oh! Excuse me, but would you hold..."

"Not me! The next person."

Off he walked.
Off he whistled.

Till he came to Prince John's house. There was Prince John. Still holding an empty glass by his well.

"Julien, I see the big hairy devil didn't eat you for lunch, but did you find the answer to my question?"

Julien smiled. "The big hairy devil said to take out the guava fruit clogging the well. Then you'll have water enough."

Prince John was very pleased. He gave Julien a donkey and two bags of gold.

Off he walked.
Off he whistled.

Till he came to the King of Spain's house. There walked the king with his daughter.

"Julien, I see the big hairy devil didn't eat you for breakfast, but did you find the answer to my question?"

Julien smiled. "The big hairy devil said to take the sulfur rock in your yard, grind it up, and put it on her sore. She'll walk just fine."

The King of Spain was very pleased. He gave Julien a donkey and two more bags of gold.

Off he walked.
Off he whistled.

Till he came to his own house. The wicked mean person was surprised to see him. The wicked mean person thought that the big hairy devil had eaten the boy.

Things don't always go as planned.

"Julien, I bet you didn't even go to the big hairy devil house and get three hairs from his chinny chin chin."

Julien smiled. He gave the three hairs to the wicked mean person.

"But where did you get those donkeys and the four bags of gold?"

Julien said, "I got them for going to the big hairy devil's house."

The wicked mean person was jealous. "Then I'm going to the big hairy devil's house. I'll get a dozen donkeys and two dozen bags of gold.

Off he ran.
But he didn't whistle.

He didn't stop at the house of the King of Spain.

He didn't stop at the house of Prince John.

He didn't stop till...

he came to a soldier guarding the road, walking...

Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Day and Night.
Night and Day.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.

The soldier called, "Halt. Excuse me, but could you hold my gun, while I go buy a pack of gum?"

The wicked mean person said, "All right, but make it quick. I'm in a rush."

The soldier handed the wicked mean person his gun and off he went.

Never to return.

So the wicked mean person had to walk...

Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Day and Night.
Night and Day.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.


As for Julien, he lived happily ever after.

That's the story of Three Hairs. I hope you enjoyed it.

The End

Papa Joe ~ Telling Tales

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