P apa   J oe's     T.S.S   presents:

( Papa   Joe's   Travelling   Storytelling   Show)

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Papa Joe  ~  Telling Tales

The Ant and the Grasshopper

retold by Papa Joe 1999

Once upon a time,

A long, long time ago,

Far, far away,

There was an ant hill.

In the ant hill was ants;

Lots a ants.

Old ants, middle aged ants, and young ants.

In the Winter,

They could sleep late

And play all day long.

But in the Spring

And in the Summer

And in the Fall

Those ants had to get up wicked early in the morning.

And after breakfast,

They had to gather food for Winter.

They had to:

Dig it up, dig it up, dig it up,� (digging movement)

Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, (picking movement)

Stack it up, stack it up, stack it up, (stacking movement)

'Til supper.

Then they got to play.

The young ants thought this was BORING.

Every day:

Dig it up, dig it up, dig it up,


Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up,


Stack it up, stack it up, stack it up,

'Til supper.

One day they got an idea.

They thought that if they worked

S L O W L Y,

the other ants would end up doing most of the work.

So the next day they tried it.


D u g I t U p, D u g I t U p, D u g I t U p,

P i c k e d I t U p, P i c k e d I t U p, P i c k e d I t U p,

S t a c k e d I t U p, S t a c k e d I t U p, S t a c k e d I t U p,

But the other ants didn't do any extra work

So the young ants ended up working 'til bedtime.

That was very BORING.

The next day, the young ants

Were back to work at their regular speed.

Dig it up, dig it up, dig it up,


Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up,


Stack it up, stack it up, stack it up,


Just about lunch time

They heard a sound coming towards them.

It was a fiddling sound.

{to the tune of the Irish Washwoman's Jig}

Vee Vi (fiddling movement)

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vo

It was a grasshopper and his fiddle.

The young ants loved it.

They said, "Grasshopper.

"Stay here and play for us.

"We'll give you some supper."

Well, that was fine with the grasshopper

So he played.

Vee Vi

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vo

While the ants worked,

But the young ants enjoyed the music so much

They worked twice as fast

And had their work done

In half the time.


Dig it up, dig it up, dig it up,


Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up,


Stack it up, stack it up, stack it up,

While the ants feed the Grasshopper

They said, "Grasshopper.

"Stay here and play for us tonight

"We'll give you breakfast in the morning."

Well, that was fine with the grasshopper

So he played.

Vee Vi

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vo

Well, as the ants didn't have to work in the evening

They danced.

Ever see an ant dance?

(dancing movement)

Ouh Cha Cha� Ouh Cha

Ouh Cha Cha� Ouh Cha

The next morning the ants had the grasshopper stay and play.

Vee Vi

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vo

While the ants worked so fast

Dig it up, dig it up, dig it up,


Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up,


Stack it up, stack it up, stack it up,

They were done by lunch.

Of course, the ant had the grasshopper stay that night

Vee Vi

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vo

So they could dance.

Ouh Cha Cha Ouh Cha

Ouh Cha Cha Ouh Cha

And so it went

Day after day

Until by Winter

The ant hill was filled so full

It looked like a mountain

At least it did to an ant.

But more important

The ants didn't have to work anymore.

Now they could sleep late

And play all day long.

The first day

They slept 'til noon.

That was wonderful.

The second day

They slept 'til nine.

And that was okay.

The third day

They were awake by six.

And as they had nothing to do,

It was BORING.

Then they heard a knock at their front door.

It was the grasshopper

Blue with cold

And icicles hanging from his fiddle.

"It's so cold and I'm so hungry."

The middle aged ants said,

"Serves you right

"Sitting around playing your fiddle

"When you should have been working for food and shelter."

But the young ants said,

"He was working.

"He was entertaining us.

"And we wouldn't have gotten as much work done

"If it hadn't been for his fiddling."

Then they turned to the grasshopper

Invited him in.

Dug him a room by the door.

At the bottom of the ant hill

They dug another room.

It was really a big hall.

At least to an ant.

A hall big enough

For all of the ants.

And every day

For the rest of the Winter

The Grasshopper played his fiddle in the hall.

Vee Vi

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I

Vittle I Vittle I Vittle I Vo

So the ants could dance.

Ouh Cha Cha Ouh Cha

Ouh Cha Cha Ouh Cha

The End

Papa Joe  ~  Telling Tales

Papa  Joe  ~  Telling  Tales

Our  Library  ~  P.J.T.S.S®

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Email: PapaJoeGaudet@live.com


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