Papa Joe ~ Travel Notes

From: Judy Dishong <>
To: storytell
Subject: Papa Joe's Ohio visit
Date: Monday">


 Papa Joe ~ Travel Notes

From: Judy Dishong <>
To: storytell
Subject: Papa Joe's Ohio visit
Date: Monday, August 04, 1997 3:43 PM

Hello all ~

It's Monday afternoon, and I'm just now resurfacing from library journals in my self directed crash course on how to/what to order in children's CD Roms.....

However, nothing should have prevented me from the timely report of Papa Joe's visit to Birchard Public Library of Sandusky County, in Fremont, Ohio.

Papa Joe and I met at the Flint Storytelling Festival (and LoiS - I love meeting 'us'). When we realized he could 'drive right by', he squished us into his schedule on his way from Troy, Mich. to W. Va.

His program at our library was Thursday morning past, and I am *still* hearing "Where's Papa Joe?", "I loves the storytelling man...", "Is the man with the purple pants coming back?"

Staff members that originally said they couldn't come, HAD to stop in at least for a while to find out what all the laughing, giggling, and action was all about!

About 80 2-60 year olds attended. Children were stomping, adults were 'paddling to the middle of the lake', and all joined in his interactive storytelling fun.

It was also great spending an evening with Papa Joe. As many of you know, he shares his talent so freely. (Sidenote concerning his eating habits - he didn't need prompting to eat in Ohio...AND I understand we all should be so lucky to partake in Judy Schmidt's -FransDotir- hospitality and feasting!!)

His stop in Ohio was a *resounding* success. Thank you Papa Joe - we'll see you again.....

~ 'the other' Judy, in 'the other' Fremont ~

 Papa Joe ~ Travel Notes

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